
Videotape yourself playing drums

Videotape yourself playing drums. You will be amazed at what you can learn from this. Everything from that stupid look on your face while your playing the drums, to the snare drum that's tilted at a 45 degree angle.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Michael said...

hey, i really like your website, alot of good drumset playing philosophy. I recently created a drum lesson blog called Drum Kicks at http://drumkicks.blogspot.com

it is much more about specific technique and playing examples then it is about philosophy, and your blog seems to be more about philosophy and thought rather then specific examples, I think our readers could benefit from each others sites, I already blog rolled you, and when I get a link list going I will put your blog on it. If you want to do the same awesome, if not that is fine to, I like your site all the same!


oh ps. there will be 1 lesson added every day to my blog so if it looks skimpy now it will fill out really soon.