
Drum set tuning intervals

Drummers, have the habit of tuning their drums to particular musical intervals. This means that the distance (the interval) between the tuned note of one drum and that of another is recognisable and consistent. This does not mean that it is needed to tune to specific chromatic notes but rather that no matter where they choose to start, they can guarantee that the tonal relationship between one drum and its neighbour is constant from any starting pitch.

There are as many tuning opinions. The majority will centre around major chords and the the diatonic major scale which is most usefully explained in terms of 'Solfege' or as Julie Andrews would say "do, re, mi, fa, so, la ti, do".

The relationship between do and mi is a third and do-so is a fifth. Playing those two notes together gives harmony as does playing all three together. This is known as a major triad. If you tune your drums to these intervals then rolls, flams on two toms and the general tonality of your kit will be harmonious and tuneful.

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